Keyword Replacements

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016

This chapter outlines the keyword replacements that can be used for the Online Quiz and Online Quiz Submission assets within Squiz Matrix.

Bookmarks to the headings on this page:

  1. Online Quiz
  2. Online Quiz Submission

Online Quiz

The following keyword replacements can be used on an Online Quiz.

Details Screen: Results Email Format
Keyword ReplacementInformation shown
%user_details_form_<formid>-<questionid>%  The value the user entered into a question on the User Details Form. <formid> if the asset ID of the User Details Form under the Online Quiz in the Asset Map and <questionid> is the asset ID of the question.  
 %user_details_form_<formid>-<questionid>_raw%As above however returns the raw value of the question. When a 'value' attribute  is used in an option of a Select Question, it is returned instead of the HTML text.
%user_details_current_user_<keyword>%  Use this keyword replacement to show information for a user who is logged in. This information is sourced from their user account. <keyword> is the attribute field that you wish to show from the user account.  
%results_table_simple%  A table of results including the question number, the answer and the marks the user received.  
%results_table_full%  A table of results including the question number and text, the answer and answer text and the marks the user received.  
%question_group_<groupid>_score_category_name%  If you are using Online Quiz Question Groups, this will show the name of the category for the score range the user achieved for that group of questions. <groupid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Question Group you want to show.  
%question_group_<groupid>_score_category_supplement%  If you are using Online Quiz Question Groups, this will show the supplementary content for the score range the user achieved for that group of questions. <groupid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Question Group you want to show.  
%question_group_<groupid>_score_category_supplement_text%  If you are using Online Quiz Question Groups, this will show the text version of the supplementary content for the score range the user achieved for that group of questions. <groupid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Question Group you want to show.  
%result_<questionid>_question_number%  The question number, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_question_text%  The question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_answer%  The option the user selected for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_answer_text%  The text for the option the user selected for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_correct_answer%  The correct answer for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_correct_answer_text%  The text for the correct answer for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_points%  The number of points the user received for the question.  
%result_<questionid>_available_points%  The total number of available points for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_response_supplement%  The response supplement for the option the user selected for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%result_<questionid>_question_note%  The question note for the question, where <questionid> is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%quiz_total_points%  The score the user received.  
%quiz_total_available_points%  The total score available for the quiz.  
Online Quiz Question Format Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement

Information shown

%question_text%  The text for the question.  
%response_form%  Either each option for the question along with radio buttons/ check boxes or a drop down list of available options. The formatting of the response form depends on the options selected on the Details screen of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%available_points%  The total number of available points for the question.  
%question_number%  The question number.  
%question_note%  The note for the question.  
Page Contents Bodycopy

To show the questions for the quiz you can either use the %asset_listing% keyword replacement or lay out each question individually using the question keyword replacements. When you use the question keyword replacements, replace X with the asset ID of the question. For example, if you use the keyword replacement %question_X_question_text%, replace X with the asset ID of the question you want to show. If you lay out each question individually, the layout that you have defined in the Online Quiz Question Format Bodycopy will be ignored.

Thank You Bodycopy

Keyword Replacement

Information shown

%results_table_full%  The full table of results including the question number, question text, the answer the user selected, the text for the answer the user selected, the correct answer, the text for the correct answer, the score the user received and the maximum score the user could have received for the question.  
%results_table_simple%  The table of results including the question number, the answer the user selected, the correct answer, the score the user received and the maximum score the user could have received for the question  
%result_X_question_number%  The question number, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_question_text%  The question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_answer%  The answer the user selected for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_answer_text%  The text for the answer the user selected for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_correct_answer%  The correct answer to the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_correct_answer_text%  The text for the correct answer to the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_points%  The score the user received for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_available_points%  The maximum number of points the user could have received for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_response_supplement%  The supplement text for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%result_X_question_note%  The note for the question, where X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question you want to show. Use this keyword replacement if you want to manually format the layout of the results.  
%quiz_total_points%  The total score the user received for the quiz.  
%quiz_total_available_points%  The maximum points the user could have received for the quiz.  
%question_group_X_score_category_name%  If you are using Online Quiz Question Groups, this will show the name of the category for the score range the user achieved for that group of questions. X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Question Group you want to show.  
%question_group_X_score_category_supplement%  If you are using Online Quiz Question Groups, this will show the supplementary content for the score range the user achieved for that group of questions. X is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Question Group you want to show.  

Online Quiz Submission

The following keyword replacements can be used for Online Quiz Submissions. These keywords are used to display information from Online Quiz submissions, such as questions and answers, total scores, and user details and can be used on Asset Listing Pages and Paint Layouts.

Online Quiz - Question and Answers

Keyword Replacement

Information shown

%quiz_qX_name%  This will show the Question Text of a question on the submission form, where 'X' is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%quiz_qX_answer_value%  This will show the Option of the user's answer to a question on the submission form, where 'X' is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question. For example, option 'a, b, c' and so forth.  
%quiz_qX_answer_summary%  This will show the Option Text of the user's answer to a question on the submission form, where 'X' is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question. For example, 'Yes, No' etc.  
%quiz_qX_answer_points_awarded%  This will show the amount of points the user received for a question on the submission form, where 'X' is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
%quiz_qX_answer_points_available%  This will show the maximum number of points the user could have received for a question on the submission form, where 'X' is the asset ID of the Online Quiz Multiple-Choice Question.  
User Details Form - Questions and Answers

Keyword Replacement

Information shown

%user_details_X:qY_question%  This will show a User Details Form question on the submission form, where 'X:qY 'is the asset/question ID of the User Details Form question. For example, %user_details_100:q1_question%.  
%user_details_X:qY_answer%  This will show the user's answer to a User Details Form question on the submission form, where 'X:qY' is the asset/question ID of the User Details Form question. For example, %user_details_100:q1_answer%.  
%user_ip_address%  This will show the IP address of the user who completed the submitted quiz.  
%user_asset_id%  This will show the asset ID of the user who completed the submitted quiz.  
Submission Summaries

The keyword replacements listed below provide summaries of user and quiz details. The values returned by these keyword replacements will also be displayed when the default %asset_contents% keyword replacement is used.

Keyword Replacement

Information shown

%user_details%  This will show the User Details Form question responses of the user who completed the submitted quiz. If no User Details Form has been submitted, the Asset ID of the user will be displayed instead.  
%quiz_responses%  This will show the questions, responses and allocated points of a submitted quiz. For example: True or False? False, 0 of 1 points.   
%quiz_total%  This will show the total number of points awarded and the total number of points available for the submitted quiz. For example: Total points awarded 7
Total points available 10